As I let my fingers slithering around each goose bump of
your firm, succulent breasts, I feel like the bed we are lying on is on top of
unbearable ice, letting my body going numb, feeling absolutely nothing from
this violent and cruel outer world. Your glittering watery soft lips melt like mysterious,
unfinishable chocolate bars in my mouth. The tantalizing smell of your cozy,
scintillating dark black hair makes me to forget all terrestrial troubles, I
have each day. My humble body trembles convulsively from unexplainable pleasure
when you whisper slowly and silently in my ears that you love me. I am not such
forgetful of not remembering the strength of your dovelike eyes, small,
blackened and whitened, which let all the truth out of me whenever I think of
lying to you. Your hairy beautiful and incomparable legs of chocolate-like
nature make my tongue dry that it needs rescue of juice-like water which flows
down provocatively and slowly from between your African bow shaped thighs. You
are my love that’s what I know. I ways love you to the moon and back.
is love? Where does love come from? Why do people love? Is love a mysterious
phenomenon, which cannot be explained?
have seen a cow sniffing and licking the head of its calf affectionately just
after its birth, the devotion of two wonderful pigeons kissing on the roof and
the sensitive compassion of a parade of elephants rumbling loudly throwing
leaves and dirt over the carcass of one of their own.
Amor, L'amour, Liebe, Rudo etc, these
words mean Love in other languages. Most of people believe vehemently that love
is mysterious and it cannot be explained, leading them to a great tendency of
fear of what they don’t understand. Aren’t we running the risk of blocking our
minds and perpetuate ignorance of something we carry inside us by calling it
mysterious, rather than facing the almost unbearable light of knowledge from
opening our eyes? We call
ourselves rational and smatter than other species on earth. I hope it’s time we
took chance of eradicating the unmysterious.
scientists under the ramifications of Psychology advocate that Love is not mysterious.
Our bodies are made up of a considerable
amount of different hormones responsible for different emotions which turn us
on into producing different actions. Some of them responsible for romantic love
are: dopamine, testosterone, serotonin, adrenaline, oxytocin etc.
Dopamine affects various organs
including the genitals, the sweat glands and also senses stimulating desire and
enhances the release of testosterone.
Testosterone is a potent hormone produced
chiefly by the testes, responsible for the development of male secondary
Adrenaline increases the blood level, which makes some
people start sweating, heart beating fast and mouth drying resulting in saying absolutely
nothing when they come up with someone they love.
Serotonin is responsible of memory
which explains why we keep on having flash backs of images of people we have
recently fallen in love with.
Oxytocin is a powerful hormone
released by both men and women during orgasm. It probably deepens the feelings
of attachment and makes a couple feel much closer to one another after they
have had sex, which makes the theory of the more a couple has sex, the deeper
their bond becomes. Helen Fisher of Rutgers University in the States and
Maryanne Fisher Ph.D. in The Science Behind falling in Love.
tend to unmysterialise and understand Hate better than they do with Love, but
they are just two opposite emotions produced in our sophisticated bodies. As we
are capable of hating, so in normal conditions we are capable of loving.
Scientists advocate and prove that love comes from our brains instead of hearts
in which many people believe.
Instead of
the heart, the limbic system “the emotional center of our brain" controls
all of our emotions. Our body's nervous system sends sensory stimuli to the
limbic system. All of these emotions come from a brain part called hypothalamus
which uses the automatic nervous system to transform emotion into physical
reactions. Lara Rutherford
As we
may have got a controversial picture of where love comes from, many people
would ask, but why do we love at the first place? Well, I think all our
emotions have a role to play in our lives, even negative emotion such as pain.
I view pain as a crucial emotion in our lives, making living organisms to do
everything they can to avoid anything that can harm or damage their bodies. I can’t imagine a person
insensitive to pain, in terms of any danger, this person could mistakenly tread
on a glowing ash or get involved in a terrible accident. He would burn or bleed
out to death without having any stimulating emotion to trigger him into
screaming for help. However love emotions are responsible for union and peace in
humankind. Love emotions lead us to happiness, pleasurable desires and
unexplainable attachment creating a strong bond of long lasting relationships
among mankind, resulting into safe reproduction and the perpetuation of
"For every complex problem there is an answer
that is clear, simple, and wrong". H.L.
Written by, Bennie
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