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With this ring, I give you my promise that from this day forward,
I give you all my love,
And you shall not walk alone,
I have no greater gift to give,
As your love is my anchor,
And your trust is my strength,
May my heart be your shelter and my arms be your home.
As this ring has no end or beginning,
So shall my love for you be,
As I place it on your finger,
I give you all that I am,
And all that I shall become,
Until death tears us apart.

After having said these so enchanting and touching words, in this big memorable event, which involves family and friends, however, we still divorce. Why?

            I have seen a girl weeping, spending sleepless nights and heartbroken, after a great deception of a relationship, she had thought perfect. Few months later, she ran towards me, embraced me, in a great joy and told me that she was now in another relationship in which she could never regret her breakup with the previous boyfriend. I got shocked, trying to understand the way this girl had once loved my friend Peter for six years. How could it be, I scratched my head, trying to grasp the subtle nature of human romantic relationships. From that day, I started reflecting on each romantic relationship I had known, so as to understand the core idea of who we really are.
            Soul mate is a confusing abstract concept, which is usually mistaken, misunderstood and misused in our daily basis of communication. "Ooh! I love John, he is my life and my soul mate, and I can’t imagine living without him “. Yes we say this, and we all hear these expressions almost everywhere and every day but what really lies behind these love curtains when people speak of soul mate. We hardly understand to what extant does the concept soul mate really mean to them.
            One of the American writers Richard Bach once defined soul mate as someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves, step out and we can be completely and honestly who we are.

            The age-old concept of soul mate can be traced back to ancient Greece when Plato, in his philosophical text, the symposium, presents a theory that humans originally had four arms, four legs and a single head made up of two faces. According to the theory, Zeus, wary of the powers humans had in this superhuman form, split them in half, condemning them to lifetime searching for the other half to become “whole" again. Australian Natural Health.

Advanced English Dictionary defines soul mate as someone with whom one has a special, almost spiritual connection.

            A soul mate is someone you have a very deep connection. It is not always easily explained. It is a meeting of mind, heart, body and soul on the highest of levels. Communication is at its easiest, as they understand you perfectly, and accept you completely with no judgments. Urban Dictionary

Even after this sophisticated and transcendental connection, we still break up with our soul mates.
            Plato may be right since his theory represents a superstitious thought rather than scientific, but today, we witness a great contradiction as people shift from one love affair into another, as if they were changing clothes. The interesting questions are, are all human romantic relationships bound to soul mate conception? If the answer is yes, why then do we have so many divorces every day? Why do we mistreat our partners? Why do we cheat on our partners? Why do we continue getting attracted to other people while we have already had a love partner? Someone could say, all this happens because of falling in love with a wrong person instead of having fallen in love with your soul mate who would be somewhere waiting for you. However, other questions would be, why do we let our feelings lure us into falling in love with wrong people at the first place? How it is possible that we spend decades of so romantic and delectable times and even having children with someone we assume to love, and in the end, we divorce? What if your soul mate dies before having the opportunity to know her/him, are you then cursed or bound to die miserably alone without having experienced any romantic relationship with other people?

            Rewinding back into human history, we have lived in complex and dynamic societies, which involve different cultures. These cultures have evolved through time, weaving up different social rules and regulations for the betterment of people. One of the fundamental rules to be considered was marriage, in which people from different cultures celebrated the unification of two or more people as husband and wife. Many different marriage types emerged and were noticed in different geographic parts of the world.Today, scientists from different areas of studies, especially anthropologists and sociologists, have discovered various types of marriages around the globe. Some commonly known are polygyny, polyandry, monogamy.

            In this case, human relationships are more naturally complex than we have ever thought. From his natural form, the Man has become so malleable to be changed by his own culture. All people are born non cultural, but as we grow up, we are all subjected to already structured and rule imposed societies, which play a big role of modifying the way we think, feel, eat, drink, dress, love and organize relationships and marriages. Monogamy has become the most known and dominant marriage around the world, with most of the people advocating the concept of soul mate, as the bride and the bridegroom vow into living together until death separate them. Now, is humanity to be identified by the cultural majority group? If yes, are the cultural minority groups to be considered aliens, savages, extraterrestrial or perverts?

            However, our natural feelings have proved us wrong by showing our promiscuous complexity, which leads us into experiencing multiple love affairs. Natural forces of our feelings have barricaded our reasoning and norms as we witness divorces each day. Love affairs have brought happiness to some people, as they are capable of understanding each other and dealing with constant fluctuating emotions, while to the other side, we have witnessed frustration, which leads to infliction, rejection, envy, jealousy, suicides and homicides. I do really appreciate marriages of any kind, and that’s the idea of togetherness. However, my accentuation on monogamy, is the avoidance of false promises and vows we witness daily in most wedding ceremonies as couples take oaths before Padres or Priests, assuming the unbreakable bond of living together faithfully and forever till death separate them.
            It’s time we came out from the veils of preconceptions and start scrutinizing all biased information, which mislead our contemporary generations from progression. Let’s pave the way for the future generations by offering them the legacy of truth. Love affairs are not predetermined and destined phenomena. If a relationship didn’t work out, sit down, think and analyze why things came up like this. Most of the times, it is just a simple fact of misunderstandings and the lack of matured reason of congruence on both sides.  Though it is rare to be obtained in our days, true and unbreakable love is nurtured by the core essence of understanding, reasoning, tolerance, acceptance, togetherness and forgiveness among couples rather than any superstitious destined quest of soul mate ideology. Learning to love life and people takes us to happy and everlasting path without deception and hate.

"Anyone can fall in love. Being alone or with someone, anyone can live happily and peacefully as long you understand deeply the correlation of human nature and the society" Bennie Umera.

Written by, Bennie Umera                                                                                           15/05/2017


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