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They say love comes and goes, but ours will stay within us eternally,
Why are you angry now? When I'm gone,
Can you stop being mad at everything around you?
Why are you weeping now? When I have disappeared,
Can you wipe that tear off your cheek?
Why are you bored? When I'm gone,
Can you walking with head up?

We were two gorgeous little doves with flamboyant same colours, but from different mothers,
We lived a happy and fabulous life together,
We flew distant, wonderful journeys, and always came back later together,
We danced according to our love tunes, however, the nature couldn't hold up this happiness anymore,
Days ago, the dove hunter catapulted stones to us, as we flew together as always,
We flew to different directions,

I lost you, you lost me, we lost ourselves,
I called you several times, looking for you as I cried, you didn't answer,
Now look! I'm gone, you are gone, we are gone,
I feel both your absence and presence, but how can this be possible? Is it a mystery?
Wherever you are now, I tell you this, real love doesn't come and go, we are born with it,
It only stays in me, in you and in us until…maybe forever.

Written by, Bennie Umera.                                                                                   15/11/2016                                                              


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